The European Union must depend on its universities to achieve better economic and social development and to increase the competitiveness and to respond to the demands of students. Thus it can successfully guarantee labor market inclusion and academic training that is based on the excellence of qualifications.
The critical reflection of the experts of Studia XXI reflected in the series formed by the 6 working documents is accompanied by Keys and Recommendations: a new critical and constructive perspective with the desire of contributing to policies which lead to excellence of universities.
This line of analysis of the Institute of Educational and Social Studies has the fundamental objectives of boosting, strengthening and contributing to the debate about the new model of the european university. It accomplishes these aims by means of exchange of ideas and shared reflection concerning the challenges which they face.
In the European environment, action thinking groups have arisen which are convinced of the role that higher education plays in the progress and development of member states. In the reference documents elaborated by the European Commission they ask for the collaboration of social agents, through independent entities and organizations ranging from businesses to universities and public powers to open an ambitious reflection concerning the challenges that modernization demands of higher education with the aim of attending to the demands of the economy and society. It is this aim that STUDIA XXI responds to.
From the beginning of its organizational activity, Society and Education has published reports, technical notes and activities related to the european higher education. The foundation has advised institutions and Spanish universities in their internationalization processes (2008-2009), in the design and communication of its strategic plan (2010), in the policies of quality (2008) and their teaching career (2009), in areas of Postgraduate and Doctoral studies (2010) and in Human Resources (2011). It has undertaken the European Conference of Convergence of higher education in Europe, Universities and the integrated system of professional development (2006), published in the series of Conferences and Seminars of 2007.